Short Breaks for children and young people with disabilities
We run short breaks and activity days for young people with disabilities and their families, with thanks to local authority funding. Places are first come first served and must be booked in advance.
For families living in the London Borough of Redbridge:
We run Activity Days and Family Fun Days for young people with additional needs in Redbridge as part of the Short Breaks programme. If your child has been allocated days at Lambourne End, please contact us to book either Activity Days or Family Fun Days which provide a chance for your child to take part in a variety of adventurous, farm and environmental activities. Transport can be provided from a central location.
If you live in Redbridge and would like your child to access Short Breaks at Lambourne End, please contact the Children with Disabilities Team (020 8708 6092) to request Lambourne End as part of your child's care package.
We have a database of contacts to whom we send information about these short breaks to - get in touch with us to add your name to the list. Please be sure to include which Local Authority/Area you live in.
For families living in the London Borough of Waltham Forest:
We run Family Fun Days for young people with additional needs in Waltham Forest as part of the Short Breaks programme. If your child has been allocated days Short Breaks hours, please contact us to book Family Fun Days which provide a chance for your child to take part in a variety of adventurous, farm and environmental activities. Transport can be provided from a central location.
If you live in Waltham Forest, have not been allocated Short Breaks hours and believe your child would be eligible to access Short Breaks at Lambourne End, please contact Amarjit Chauhan (020 8496 3515 or amarjit.chauhan@walthamforest.gov.uk) to request Short Breaks allocations for your child.
For families living in Essex County Council:
Lambourne End Centre is unfortunately no longer a Short Breaks provider for Essex.
For further details, please see their website https://shortbreaks.essex.gov.uk/latest-news/the-new-short-breaks-community-clubs-and-activities-offer/