What is the 2.6 Challenge?
The 2.6 Challenge was initiated to support, and save, the UK's charities during this pandemic. It was named the 2.6 challenge after the 26 mile London marathon, due to take place on the 26h April was cancelled meaning many charities lost out on these donations.

The 2.6 Challenge
Your 2.6 Challenge
we need your help!
We are now appealing for all of our supporters to get involved in their own 2.6 challenge for us. So, if you want to take part then download the resource pack below to get started!
2.6 mile run? 26 metres of cartwheels? It doesn't matter!
Just remember to follow govertment guidelines on outside spaces and social distancing when carrying out your challenge.
Watch our 2.6 challenge below to see how the staff and volunteers team did their part.
Staff and Volunteers took part in their very own 2.6 challenge on the 2nd May, where 26 of our staff and volunteers team got together for a giant virtual egg relay. We chose this challenge as, not only was it incredibly fun and eggciting to watch, it symbolises so much of what we do here. An egg represents new life and therefore, oppurtunities; the egg needed to be handled with care and supported by others in order to fulfill it's purpose.
Watch Our 2.6 Challenge!
Whatever your age or ability, you can take part. After all, we’re not looking for superheroes. We’re looking for Home Heroes